Thursday, December 09, 2004

Soon back in force with more PFY adventures!

sm_blue_spyderNaNoWriMo is now over for 2004, and all I did was a lousy 18270 words of the 50000 required to "win". Oh well... Next year, maybe! Juggling everything that I had to do this fall wasn't easy, and I rather feel I did a good job of it... A good botch up job, as my PFY claims, but that's another story.

Talking about the PFY, the next story will appear on Friday, December 17, 2004, so make sure you have a few free minutes for the ninth (yes, the 9th) episode!

I can already divulge the title: "Courting Disaster".

After the 17th, the episodes of the PFY will be appearing regularly (we promise!) every ten days.

In other news, a website dedicated to the PFY is being created, where you wil be able to download the episodes as plain text, Adobe PDF or even MS-Reader (LIT) for your Windows CE handheld. The website will be unveiled on Saturday, December 18, 2004. Watch this space for the link!

Well, have a nice week and hope to see you in seven days!

N. G. Fainswift

(Actually, don't bother clicking on "Read the whole thing!" What you see here is everything.)

1 comment:

Eisfresser said...

Sorry you didn't mak it to to finish lin at NaNoWriMo. I undrstand it was your first participation, so nxt yar succss will b yours. Can't wait to C th PFY wbsit, but who is w?

PS: sorry bout th missing charactrs, the ky on my notbook stoppd working today.